Group 5 board game

Invasion… In Space is a game where you play as 4 aliens from different galaxies, each bent on destroying Earth before the others. All of you are grossly underequipped to execute the task, and need to first scour the galaxy to upgrade your spaceship until it is fit enough to take on those pesky humans!
Each player chooses a character and takes the corresponding character card. Each player also takes 4 Action Point cards each (which will be referred to as AP from now on). Then you take all the Space cards and shuffle them in one pile, with the ‘Space card’ showing upwards. You do the same with Ship Part cards. Take the Earth card and place it in the middle of the map.
Characters have 3 different Skills, Attack, Defense and Research. These Skills get boosted permanently by Ship Parts and can be boosted temporarily with AP. Attack helps you defeat other players, Defense helps you withstand those attacks, and Research gets you better Ship Parts. When drawing a Ship Part, you may look at the top X cards of the Ship Part deck (where X is 1 + your Research), choose one of them and shuffle the rest and put them on the bottom of the deck.
Example: Jenny is going to draw a Ship Part. She has 3 Research. She then looks at the top 4 cards of the Ship Part deck, chooses one and shuffles the rest and puts them on the bottom of the Ship Part deck.
<big>Each Turn</big>
At the beginning of your turn, you return all AP you have discarded. On a player’s turn, you may discard AP to do certain things. You can discard AP to move one step or to boost any of your three Skills temporarily for one happening. Many Space cards will have a required Skill for it to give you a benefit, or to avoid something dangerous.
Example: Kurt is on the Cannibal Planet, which requires 3 Attack to gain one Ship Part. Kurt has 1 Attack. If he discards 2 AP he gets 3 Attack and can then claim the Ship Part. This bonus is temporary, for other happenings later in the turn he will still only have 1 Attack.
When you move on an unexplored tile, you draw a Space card and place it there. The Space cards are of different subcategories which do different things:
Challenge cards: This card has a certain requirement for the player on it to get a Ship Part. Any player on it may attempt to get the Ship part but don’t have to. Once the Ship Part has been claimed, flip the card over. The tile is still explored.
Event cards: This card has an event that happens to the player exploring it, and then it is flipped over. The tile is still explored.
All the rest of the Space cards are permanently there, and their events happen to any player stepping on the tile. If you start your turn on a tile, you are not subjected to the effects.
The Warp Space tiles (whirlwinds with an arrow on them) teleports you to the Warp Space which is at the other side of the map (where the arrow points) when you step on it. Those tiles are considered explored. Your start tiles are also explored. The Earth tile you can only step on when all other tiles have been explored.
If you’re on the same tile as another player, you may choose to attack him/her. To defeat another player, you must have higher Attack than that player has Defense. You may discard AP to boost your Attack temporarily; however, the defending player may also discard cards to boost his/her Defense. The attacking player chooses first if he/she wants to discard any AP, then the defending player chooses.
Example: Kurt is on the same tile as Jenny and wants to attack her. Kurt has 1 Attack and Jenny has 2 Defense. Kurt then discards two AP to put his Attack at 3. Jenny has no AP to discard, so she is defeated with a Defense of 2.
When you defeat someone, you can take a Ship Part of your choice that the defending player has and claim it yourself. If the defending player has no Ship Parts, you can send that player back to his/her starting planet.
<big>Winning the Game</big>
When all tiles are explored, it is possible to conquer the Earth. To do so, you must be on the Earth tile, and beat a challenge of 6 Attack, 6 Defense or 6 Research to destroy it.
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